
Results ( 15) for: " Padova, PD, Italia"

Due Carrare, PD
The Cat and the Lion
Unusual experience

The Cat and the Lion

Free 20 Mar 2025 - 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Padova, PD
Giotto under the stars
Unusual experience

Giotto under the stars

by €22.00 9 Jun 2025 - 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Albignasego, PD
Coffee, exotic beverage
Unusual experience

Coffee, exotic beverage

Free 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Arquà Petrarca, PD
Petrarch's "Story of a Soul" visions.
Unusual experience

Petrarch's "Story of a Soul" visions.

by €20.00 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Padova, PD
The happy island of Antonio Pedrocchi
Unusual experience

The happy island of Antonio Pedrocchi

by €19.00 21 Mar 2025 - 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Padova, PD
Coffee, exotic beverage
Unusual experience

Coffee, exotic beverage

by €19.00 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Padova, PD
A '48 happened
Unusual experience

A '48 happened

by €19.00 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Este, PD
Ariosto Furioso: the poet tells his story at the Castello Carrarese in Este
Unusual experience

Ariosto Furioso: the poet tells his story at the Castello Carrarese in Este

Free 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Arquà Petrarca, PD
Petrarch's visions: theatrical performance in the village of Arquà
Unusual experience

Petrarch's visions: theatrical performance in the village of Arquà

by €20.00 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Este, PD
Animated tour: portrait of Lucrezia Borgia
Unusual experience

Animated tour: portrait of Lucrezia Borgia

Free 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Padova, PD
Heroes of Medicine: animated tour of Padua's first hospital
Unusual experience

Heroes of Medicine: animated tour of Padua's first hospital

by €23.00 29 Mar 2025 - 1 hours

teatrOrtaet Associazione Culturale
Montegrotto Terme, PD
Antiques Market in Montegrotto Terme

Antiques Market in Montegrotto Terme

In the renowned spa resort looking for "robevecie"

13 Apr

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