The Cherry Orchard
The more Cherries you collect, the more benefits you get: discounts, reputation, rewards...

How to harvest cherries
With every "cherry action" you do or receive on the Map of Wonders, you will collect Cherry-point! Great news: in the kick-off phase, the discount applies to the total amount of your purchases!
0 cherries out of 100
Every day when you log in.
When you make a purchase in the Map.
When you write a comment
When you receive a "Like"
When you register on SharryLand.
When a friend of yours registers by using your Invitation Code.
When the editorial team turns one of your posts into a Wonder.
When you write a Wonder and it is published.
When writing a post in the Community (coming soon).
When you share a content on your social networks (coming soon).
When you complete Your Profile (coming soon).
When you have a new Follower from the Community (coming soon).
When you participate in the Cherry Quiz (coming soon).
Do you know why these actions generate Cherries?
More Cherries = More Discounts
With Cherry Discounts you can buy sustainable travels and local products on SharryLand: make yourself and local communities happy!
More Cherries = More Reputation, more Visibility
The Cherry-o-meter never resets! Gather Cherries and become "number one" in our Cherry Chart! Be in pole position on the Explore page!
More Value to the Map!
Every action you take helps make Hidden Wonders known and triggers a flywheel of beauty and sustainability. That's why Wonders on the Map have a Cherry-o-meter, too!
Number one!
Discover the week's most cherry-picked
Do you want to join the ranking too? Collect Cherries in your Cherry-o-meter!
Do you want to join the ranking too? Collect Cherries in your Cherry-o-meter!
Explore, share, play with us and collect Cherries! Coming soon: quizzes and super-goals to receive special benefits: super-discounts on travels, products and Gift Cards selected by SharryLand. Follow us!