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Miramare Castle
"O Miramar to thy white towers come the clouds" (Carducci).
Middle Ages in Valvasone
The Historical Reenactment of the Ancient Village.
5 Sep - 7 Sep
Mossa, the Preval and the places of the Spirit
A peace that knows no boundaries
St. Daniel blossoms
The village is transformed into a large flower garden
2 May - 4 May
Erto, or of silence
The memory of the Vajont Dam disaster, a national monument in 1976
Trieste antiques market
You can be sure to find what you don't expect
16 Mar
Noghere Nature Area
Little lakes today wild and pristine, but with a very different past
Great Gradisca antiques market
Here we decorate our homes!
Abbey of Rosazzo
A millennium of history overlooking the eastern hills of Friuli
Napoleonic Road
A walk that gives emotions
Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Tarvisio
The Cross and the Bastions: a fortified church on the border with Slovenia
The lonely tower
Of green to the rampant cow of gold