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The Wheat Festival and its Museum
Molise traditions: when grain becomes art
CVTà Street Fest
But wasn't Civitacampomarano a medieval village!
Abbey of Monte Sacro
Time, a patient stonemason, transforms great works into matchless masterpieces
Altilia Saepinum
A forgotten but not too forgotten archaeological site
The "village market" in Schiavi d'Abruzzo.
Saturday morning agri-food products from the short supply chain
15 Mar
Montemitro and the Molisian Croatian minority
The village that lives "its own way"
Montecorvino: the Saint and the Devil's Chair.
A saint, a miracle for his people and a festival to thank him every year
The Norman Tower of Pietramontecorvino
Stories of soldiers and an unhappy love that still endures
Baselice Living Nativity on the way to Bethlehem
In Fortore the "historical nativity scene" set in Palestine 2000 years ago
Event concluded
Theater and Italic temple of Pietrabbondante
A sacred area that, because of its architectural features and monumentality, is the most important archaeological evidence of the culture of the Italic Samnites Pentri people.
The Carrati of Pietraroja
The auspicious dough
A very sweet village: San Marco dei Cavoti
Strolling with nougats and cassatins