Experience the Map of Wonders
Results ( 692)

The Benedictine Abbey of Santa Bona in Vidor
Where the Saint who came from Egypt rests
Nuraghe Ruio: village and campsite

Eugenio Spreafico in Magreglio
The connection between man and landscape told in the paintings scattered through the streets of the village

FIL International Live Festival
In Loano Dance and Singing for Young Talents
4 Apr - 6 Apr

Palazzo Spada, the heart of Terni
For centuries the city's place of power and prestige

Benetuttese Horse Pentolaccia
In Benetutti, Carnival is an Ancient Tradition
28 Feb - 1 Mar

Domus of Myth
An extraordinary archaeological journey on the traces of ancient Tifernum Metaurense.

Carnival of Frascati
King Pupone and the Party in the Square.
21 Feb - 4 Mar

"Giuseppe Diamantini painter and engraver from the Marche region."
Fossombrone pays tribute to its celebrated artist

Tortolì in Bloom
The Artistic Infiorata of Sardinia
18 Apr - 20 Apr

With a book under his arm: the novels of Giorgio Bassani
The world of a contemporary writer, with the city of Ferrara and the Po Delta in the background

Festival of Lights
The Brightest Christmas Magic There Is.
6 Dec - 6 Dec