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Domus of Myth

An extraordinary archaeological journey on the traces of ancient Tifernum Metaurense.


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Where is


Via della Ghibelline, 6, 61048 Sant'Angelo In Vado PU, Italia (363m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

The land of Campo della Pieve is home to a true jewel of archaeology: the extraordinary Domus del Mito. It is an aristocratic residence from the Roman period dating back to the 1st century AD and represents, to this day, the most important find in recent years. It is a discovery that came about somewhat by chance thanks to the passage of tractors that, moving the ground, brought to the surface furnishings and coins.

Why it is special

Welcoming visitors is the vestibule of the Domus where they can admire the splendid mosaic representing the scene of Neptune's triumph with his bride Amphitrite, on a chariot pulled by two hippocampi. The site, about 1,000 sq. m. in size, develops inside in a series of rooms decorated with mosaic carpets, bichromatic and polychromatic, of singular beauty, some related to classical mythology.

Not to be missed

Another place worth sticking your nose into is the Archaeological Museum, at Palazzo Mercuri in Piazza Umberto I. Here prehistoric evidence from the area up to the late antique and early medieval phases is on display. In the "Domus of Myth" and "Roman Baths" sections, thanks to the vast amount of everyday objects and tools of various kinds you can of investigate the old Roman city while, aboard the new Multimedia room, take a trip back in time.


Often dust and stones conceal stories that were thought lost. In the Domus, a legend is told of an embattled love between the son of a wealthy patrician and the daughter of Celtic servants. The young people live their feelings secretly until the day the boy's father discovers them and becomes enraged. Instead of submitting to his father's authority, the son rebels and defends his love. Impressed by such ardor, the gods erect the Domus in a single night and give it to the two boys.

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