What is SharryLand
SharryLand is the Map of the Wonders to be Discovered, the Italian platform of widespread cultural heritage and experiential and sustainable tourism for the economic and cultural development of local communities.
An integrated system (wiki, search engine, marketplace, social) that becomes for our country a concrete, ethical and already operational answer for a new economy based on beauty, sustainability, networking.
What we do
Let's build the great Digital Map of Italy's Wonders to Discover: a collective, geolocalized map in the key of storytelling.
We network territories (nature, itineraries, art, history, traditions, experiences and local products) and "human capital" (economic and cultural entities and operators, residents and travelers), creating communities.
We develop the "short chain" of experiential and rural tourism in "diffuse" territories, providing operators and visitors with powerful digital and transactional tools, integrated into the Map of Wonders to directly match supply and demand.
SharryLand, a journey into Wonderland
Benefit Society
Established on November 14, 2017, SharryLand chose to become a Benefit Corporation on May 27, 2020, expressing in its articles of incorporation a commitment to have a positive impact on the social and economic well-being of the communities and territories in which we operate. Our activities respond to the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030, in particular:

Our challenge
We listened to the need of local communities to tell their identity and network their way out of invisibility. We have embraced the need of residents and visitors to experience the area "from the inside" in contact with local communities.
With SharryLand, we guarantee free access to the Map of Wonders, give tools to make themselves known and offer their services and products, and for those who want more, we develop tailor-made marketing projects and territorial hubs. And we also continue to grow the Map with the support of sponsoring organizations and companies.
Our challenge is here: to create a powerful driver for open and collaborative territorial development that gives everyone opportunities and value.

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