Event  }  Local flavors

Dumpling Festival with Fioretta

In Recoaro Terme, in August, the flavors of the mountain pastures arrive in the square

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In a nutshell

The Gnocchi con la Fioretta festival in August brings to the square of Recoaro Terme the flavors of the mountain pastures of the Little Dolomites. Gnocchi con la fioreta is a dish capable of putting you back in the world, especially if you are coming from a nice hike in the mountains: they are gnocchi well seasoned with fioreta, a liquid ricotta cheese produced in this very area. At the festival, in addition to the food stand where you can enjoy this wonderful dish, there are also events, entertainment and markets.

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Event concluded

Thu 22 August 2024 - Sun 25 August 2024

Dates and times are subject to change.

Where is


36076 Recoaro Terme VI, Italia (0m s.l.m.)




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