In a nutshell
Carnival is in every corner of the world a fun and colorful occasion, but in Verona it also has an undisputed protagonist, the "Papa del Gnoco."
The origins of this festival are lost in the centuries, but it is undoubtedly the oldest Carnival in Europe. According to tradition, the mask derives from a riot that broke out in the San Zeno district in the 16th century, following a severe famine that affected families after flooding of the Adige River and raids by Charles V's Lansquenets.
The revolt was averted when a group of citizens decided to distribute at their own expense the food needed for survival (such as bread and butter). Among them was a doctor, Tomaso Vico, remembered by all as the probable founder of the festival.
The traditional Veronese mask of the "Papà del Gnoco" is made up of many elements (taken care of down to the smallest detail) and takes at least half an hour to put on. The dress is red and ivory, the large hat with a golden brim, lace and lace - from which beads also descend - a red cloak lined with white satin and a beard made from buffalo wool. The centerpiece of the costume is her scepter, a fork skewering a large dumpling.
Event concluded
Sat 1 February 2025 - Sun 9 March 2025
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