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The Palio of the Crossbow of Gubbio

The ancient tournament of the Perugian crossbowmen

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In a nutshell

The 'origin of the Crossbowmen in Gubbio, as in all the great communes and republics of the Middle Ages, arose for the purpose of having, in case of need, men ready and fit to serve the Fatherland. Thus the "Companies of the People" or "Societies of Arms" were formed and maintained until the time of the Seignories. The fascination that emanated from the weapon of the time was the spring for which in Gubbio daring young men since the 15th century were competing among themselves in target shooting with the crossbow. The current Palio della Balestra, held on the last Sunday in May in Gubbio in honor of St. Ubaldo, is a continuation of those contests that took place in the 15th century among civilian crossbowmen. Since then, except for brief and justified interruptions the Palio della Balestra has always been held. Traditionally, the Palio is accompanied by the historical procession with more than four hundred figures dressed in medieval costumes. The event echoes the autumn edition of the Palio held instead in the Tuscan village of Sansepolcro.


Sat 17 May 2025


Sun 18 May 2025

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Sat 17 May 2025


Sun 18 May 2025

Dates and times are subject to change.

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06024 Gubbio PG, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



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