Event  }  Local flavors

The Toma Fair

A festival dedicated to cheese in Condove

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In a nutshell

During the first weekend of October in the municipality of Condove, a fair is held dedicated to the traditional moment of the descent of farmers from the mountain pastures and tasty local dairy products. During the event, tastings of locally produced cheeses are organized and there are exhibitors of typical products such as wine, bread, cookies and honey. Also of great attraction is the "Toma Competition" aimed at producers.

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Cercatori di Eventi

An event aimed at enhancing and protecting the cultural and economic heritage of the area related to agriculture and animal husbandry.

Event concluded

Fri 6 October 2023 - Sat 7 October 2023

Dates and times are subject to change.

Where is


10055 Condove TO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



Sito Ufficiale


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In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

An event aimed at enhancing and protecting the cultural and economic heritage of the area related to agriculture and animal husbandry.


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