Event  }  Festival

Lake Film Fest

In Revine, the International Independent Film Festival

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In a nutshell

The spectacular landscape that surrounds the two lakes of Revine, makes this Festival unique in its kind. From July 19 to 27, 2024 will be screened Independent Films for all tastes and all ages, without neglecting the hot topics of these years, and with a special attention to little known issues. Lago Film Fest, however, is not only cinema, many will be the spaces of conviviality and entertainment, already from the morning breakfasts with guests and at sunset with the aperitif, you can attend concerts before and after the screenings, dance and visit various exhibitions, attend performances and participate in workshops for both children and adults. In the dedicated food area you can consume excellent food km.0. Enjoy your visit and have fun!

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The Map thanks:

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Cercatori di Eventi

The enchanting landscape of the two "twin" lakes makes the event very atmospheric, and screenings and side events round out the festival.

For a fee

Event concluded

Thu 18 July 2024 - Sat 27 July 2024

Revine Lake

Where is


31020 Revine TV, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



sito ufficiale


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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

The enchanting landscape of the two "twin" lakes makes the event very atmospheric, and screenings and side events round out the festival.