Event  }  Tradition

Benetuttese Horse Pentolaccia

In Benetutti, Carnival is an Ancient Tradition

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In a nutshell

In the Borgo di Benetutti, famous for its Wine and Thermal Baths, once again this year there is a very engaging Carnival Festival, three Masked Knights will launch themselves, armed with sticks, against the Terracotta Pots arranged along the established route, the trio that breaks the most will win. It is a very original festival that also pays homage to the equestrian tradition, it is for everyone and this year there will also be a junior version for "budding" Knights.

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Cercatori di Eventi

A time of Sardinian equestrian tradition and fun for all.

Event concluded

Fri 28 February 2025 - Sat 1 March 2025

Where is


07010 Benetutti SS, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



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Cercatori di Eventi

A time of Sardinian equestrian tradition and fun for all.