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At Mosaic School

Journey to a school that keeps an ancient art alive and modern

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Where is

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Via Corridoni, 6, 33097 Spilimbergo PN, Italia (135m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

A particular School, guardian of ancient knowledge, forge of new experiences and nurturer of new generations of artist-mosaicists from all over the world. It has been able to make a name for itself through the creation of prestigious works resulting from the desire to combine tradition with innovation. Indeed, the focus here is on experimentation and research to find new solutions in the application of mosaic art, especially in the field of urban and interior decoration.

Why it is special

This School represents the emblem of the partnership between tradition and renewal, between production reality and cultural reality. Those who visit this place, in fact, find themselves completely immersed in the brightness of the mosaic and terrazzo workshops and cannot help but be enchanted by the rhythmic movements of the hammers on the cutters that still mark the time of a work of distant memory.

Not to be missed

Every year, more than 25,000 people come from all parts of the world to visit the School's extremely rich gallery. Along the route placed on two floors, they have the opportunity to retrace, in a long chronological type of overview, what are the history and innumerable applications of mosaic: from the Mediterranean origins of Greco-Roman mosaic, to the precious surfaces of Byzantine mosaic, to the expressions, the result of research and experimentation, of contemporary mosaic.

A bit of history

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli was founded in 1922 on the initiative of Lodovico Zanini, delegate for Friuli of the Umanitaria of Milan, supported by Ezio Cantarutti, Mayor of Spilimbergo, who made its work concrete. It was born here and not elsewhere thanks to an ancient and deep-rooted mosaic and terrazzo tradition. In fact, between the 1500s and 1800s, from Spilimbergo there was a strong seasonal emigration to Venice, the artistic crossroads par excellence between East and West, between Rome and Byzantium, and therefore the natural heir to the Roman and Byzantine mosaic traditions, which, within this institution, admirably blend.


The colorful mosaic tesserae that make up the works of art that come out of the Friuli Mosaic School are the result of a careful selection of the gravels found on the Meduna and Tagliamento riverbeds as well as their collection and processing by master craftsmen and their students.

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Gaia Mazzolo

A world-renowned training center, the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli aims to enhance the art of mosaic through study, research, experimentation, the use of new technologies and the comparison of artists.