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Village of Reforzate

A castle suspended between two valleys


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Where is


61040 Reforzate PU, Italia (316m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Reaching the top of the hill, after the winding but short path, one comes across the vestiges of the ancient gateway to the castle with the effigy of the Feltresque eagle. Next to it, a short row of three-story stone houses acts as a barrier, while on the right the landscape opens up to the sea. Beyond the double arch, comb-like side streets lead to small houses and private vegetable gardens from which the bulk of the Michelangeli palace and the church of St. Peter with its fine sandstone portals, the work of Santippolitese stonemasons, stand out. Arriving at the end of the main road, one goes around the walls overlooking the Tarugo valley.

Why it is special

The small village is still surrounded by the walls reminiscent of the ancient castle and now a balcony between the Tarugo and Metauro valleys. Almost a promontory overlooking a green sea, offering a climate that is always mild in every season. Here it is above all a sense of calm and tranquility that makes this place unique, thanks to the friendliness of its inhabitants and the sense of protection that the pretty corners of the town manage to give.

Don't miss

Every end of July, the small village comes alive for the historical re-enactment of the threshing, where the ancient agricultural machinery, whose arrival was a real event for the peasantry of the time, comes back to life, as it once did in our countryside. Today it is possible to relive those moments in three festive evenings, accompanied by folkloric music and homemade cuisine, which offers in particular roast goose and stuffed piadina.

A bit of history

It is in a bull of Pope Honorius III dated 1224 that Reforzate is first mentioned, a sign that its origin is even older. In the 13th century it was one of the castles of the Fano county. From then on it was disputed first among various seigniories, such as the Malatesta and Della Rovere, passing through the Mirabello and Piccolomini counts, then passing from one vicariate to another until it was finally aggregated to the municipality of Sant'Ippolito after the Unification of Italy.


Reforzate probably derives its name from an ancient lord or feudal lord. The etymology is uncertain, but the locals, in recounting the "piciafavl" to their grandchildren, are quite sure to recall that long ago, in front of the barred entrance gate to the castle, determined to conquer, a certain king ordered his soldiers to "force!"

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Recommended by
Elsa Campolucci

It is the perfect place to pause time by wandering its narrow streets, peeking into some secret garden, reading a good book under the mulberry tree in a small square or simply enjoying the view from the walls.

SharryLand Friendly Municipality
Comune di Sant'Ippolito