Wonder  }  Place of worship

A walk among the churches in the village of Canzo - 3 DI 4

Chapel of St. Michael

A small chapel witnesses to dark moments in Canzo's history


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Where is


Via Gajum, 12, 22035 Canzo CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

At the beginning of the SenterĂșn for the Pesora Valley, we are faced with a wide meadow overlooked by the small oratory dedicated to St. Michael presents itself as a bucolic vision. Given the simplicity of the chapel one might be tempted to continue further, but instead it is good to take a few minutes to get to know it better.

Why it is special

This beautiful meadow hides a sad story that quickly becomes clear if one knows the other name by which the chapel is known: the Lazaretto. During the plague epidemic of 1836, this place witnessed suffering and burial for those affected by the rawness of the disease.


It has not been ascertained, but it appears that the lazaretto was in constant operation here as early as during the great plague of 1630.

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