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Castle of San Salvatore in Susegana

Centuries of history on the road between Venice and the Dolomites


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Where is


Via Sottocroda, 31058 Susegana TV, Italia (82m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

There is a road that leads from Venice to the borders with Austria: the Pontebbana. Its route touches many landscapes and beauties, and so it is that, just past the bridge over the Piave River, a castle appears in the distance, nestled on the green hills covered with woods, meadows and vineyards: the Castle of San Salvatore, a real, ancient castle from the 1200s, with a soaring crowned tower, crenellated walls and a drawbridge defending the medieval village. Taking a walk along its walls, your gaze is lost on the enchanting panorama of the Prosecco vineyards and surrounding hills.

Why it is special

Above all, it is a castle that maintains its function as a stately home. This means that when you visit it, you do not pass through exhibition spaces that refer to the memory of the past; on the contrary, you breathe there the flow of current life in all its facets. Of course, this means that visiting the castle requires a watchful eye to take advantage of the few occasions when it is open during the year, but it is an effort we gladly take on, because the experience we will have will be unique!

Not to be missed

Whether you managed to get through the walls thanks to an event or by booking a group visit, what greets you inside will leave you speechless: the imposing crowned tower, the fascinating ruins of the ancient palaces of the court of the Counts Collalto, the hosts, and the 17th-century Palazzo Odoardo, currently used for cultural events and ceremonies.

A bit of history

After defending itself for centuries, the Castle of San Salvatore could not avoid sharing the sad fate of a great many other historical sites during the Great War. Between 1917 and 1918, following the rout of Caporetto, the municipal territory came under Austro-German occupation. It was precisely then that heavy destruction befell the centuries-old structures.


Throughout the Middle Ages and up to the Napoleonic conquests, under the protection of the Serenissima, during the long pax veneziana, Castello San Salvatore was the site of an extraordinary artistic season: musicians, painters, men of letters and poets settled here. And it was here that Monsignor Giovanni Della Casa, a guest of the Collalto family in the mid-1500s, probably wrote his famous "Galateo."

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Recommended by
Elena Stramezzi

A castle that is still inhabited conveys very different sensations than visiting a castle-museum. Absolutely to be experienced.