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Cervara of Rome

The village carved into the rock


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Where is


Piazza Umberto I, 11, 00020 Cervara di Roma RM, Italia (1,010m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Cervara di Roma is one of the jewels of the Simbruini Mountains Regional Natural Park, a scenic Latium village famous for its "Mountain carved by Artists," a sort of open-air museum entirely carved into the rock. Inside the hamlet is an articulated system of narrow streets and small squares connected by paths equipped with stepped ramps that help overcome the sharp drop that characterizes the village.

Why it is special

When one sees it in the distance, Cervara looks like just a small village perched on the crest of Mount Pilone, but as one enters its alleys and along the steps, one discovers a unique, almost surreal spectacle. From the base of the village to the remains of the castle, the rocks have been shaped into sculptures. Starting in the early 1980s, Cervara di Roma was named the "village carved in the rock," thanks to the inspiration of Prof. Bianchi's students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, who here, together with the inhabitants, created a veritable open-air museum with figures, shapes and portraits carved on the limestone rock.

Don't miss

The Scalinata degli Artisti and the Scalinata della Pace are the two main symbols of Cervara. The Sc alinata degli Artisti was created as a tribute to the many artists who chose this place as a source of inspiration in the 19th century. Sculptures, murals, and rock carvings, exploded by the creativity of young artists from all over the world, populate this long and scenic staircase that provides the most striking access to the historic center. The Peace Staircase, on the other hand, is the connecting point from the town center up to the remains of the medieval fortress and is a triumph of artistic figures that encapsulate the symbolic meaning of Peace and solidarity among peoples.

A bit of history

The ancient people of the Equi lived in the Simbruini Mountains and gave the Roman army a hard time, choosing to die free rather than become slaves of Rome. The Aniene valley was later chosen by Nero to build one of his prestigious villas, and it was also in this area that Benedictine monasticism spread and established itself. According to an ancient tradition, the name derives from the Latin cervus with the addition of the collective suffix -ara, which gives the sense of "place where deer are present."


Cervara has always had a special relationship with artists, who have frequented and loved it since the time of the Grand Tour; many have left traces of their passage in their paintings, frescoing its narrow streets with murals, dedicating poems and musical pieces to it, the most famous of which can be found on the walls of the Scalinata degli Artisti and is the score "Notturno-Passacaglia per Cervara" by Ennio Morricone, an honorary citizen of Cervara di Roma.

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The Village of Artists carved into the rock