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Colli al Metauro: archaeological discoveries and Ancient Rome

Along the ancient Via Flaminia


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Where is


61030 Colli al Metauro PU, Italia (68m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Colli al Metauro is a widespread municipality that was formed in recent years through the merger of three municipalities-Montemaggiore al Metauro, Saltara and Serrungarina. This territory actually has some common features from a cultural point of view. In ancient times, for example, it was a very important transit area, since it was crossed by none other than the Via Flaminia. The traces of this past are clearly visible today, as much in archaeological sites and museums as in local toponymy.

Why it is special

Tavernelle locality, for example, derives its name from the Latin word "tabernulae," or small taverns. Since ancient times, the small town filled the role of a rest station; a resting place for men and horses in transit on the stretch of the Flaminia consular road between Fossombrone and Fano. All this has been confirmed by archaeological finds in the area of the present parish church where a small antiquarium has also been created (some finds, including a marble head, are instead kept in the Museum of Forum Sempronii - Fossombrone).

Not to be missed

Saltara probably owes its name to the Roman tradition, that is, from "Saltus Aeris, " "bronze forest." According to a legend, in the woods bordering the locality the Carthaginians abandoned their armor after the defeat they suffered at the hands of the Romans in the Battle of Metauro in 207 BC. In the former church of Gonfalone, beautiful mosaics belonging to an ancient Roman domus are also preserved. These are three mosaic fragments found in 1928, not far from the "mutatio ad Octavo" near Calcinelli.

A bit of history

The presence of these fundamental threads has given Colli al Metauro a history full of important events, which have been interwoven, without ever breaking them, with the rural and humble habits of its inhabitants, who still protect and love their land, working its countryside and respecting its historical monuments, with the cheerful but decisive tranquility of those whose roots weld them securely to the soil.

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Confcommercio Marche Nord

Colli al Metauro: has always been a strategic transit point, which juxtaposes the line of the Metauro River with that of the ancient Via Flaminia, a Roman-era road commissioned in 220 B.C. by Gaius Flaminius Nepot and for centuries the only connecting artery.