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Convent of St. John the Baptist at Barco Ducale

A place of many souls


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Where is


Località Porta Parco, 61049 Urbania PU, Italia (293m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Impossible to miss this gentle and imposing guardian at the gates of Urbania: founded in 1771, the Convent of St. John the Baptist was built in what was once the ducal hunting reserve, namely the Barco. Surrounded by greenery, an ideal place for walking and listening to the voice of nature, it is an inspiring and calming place. Today the convent space can be used as an artistic and study residence, conventions, concerts and ceremonies.

Don't miss

The words engraved on the pink stone, Gothic-style portal that today leads to the refectory hall. This is the last vestige of the first convent of St. John the Baptist, founded in the late 1200s on the banks of the Metauro River.

A bit of history

The original convent was included in the Barco Ducale, the hunting reserve commissioned by Federico di Montefeltro, in 1465. Since then it was used by the dukes as a place to find refreshment. When the duchy became extinct, the land passed to the religious who had to abandon the building in 1741, which was severely damaged by a strong earthquake. The old convent was replaced by the present building inaugurated in 1771. In its long life it has been first a place of prayer, a hospital for invalids, a rest home and, today a meeting place for business entities, individuals and artists.


For over a century, this monumental complex was not only called "the Barco," but was, and still is recognized by most, as the hunting lodge of the Dukes of Urbino. In reality, the dukes never saw this building as the Duchy became extinct in 1631 and the convent was built 120 years later.

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Federica Mariani

The first time I entered it had recently been abandoned. It was dark, cold, without electricity. It was like exploring a pirate cave. All I knew at the time was that it was a home for the elderly. I could not have been more wrong....

SharryLand Friendly Municipality
Comune di Urbania