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Cusano Mutri, authentic village

The ancient pearl of the Matese

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Where is


82033 Cusano Mutri BN, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Cusano Mutri is a village in the province of Benevento in the heart of the Matese area, on the border between Campania and Molise. The link with its territory is close and ancient: it is part of the Matese Regional Park and the Titerno Mountain Community, and it is so united with the mountain that it has several rock walls within its ancient core. The very center of the town is a maze of stairways, narrow streets, widenings, small squares and stone buildings. There is no shortage of towers and bell towers to lend an ancient, almost medieval flavor. And in fact, the structure of Cusano Mutri is virtually unchanged since the Middle Ages.

Why it is special

Cusano Mutri was one of the few villages in the area to be spared by the 1688 earthquake. It is also to this that we owe the authenticity of a town that has maintained its oldest structures, adding new details as times change. And here a large boulder coexists with the ruins of the ancient castle, houses decorated with traditionally carved arches, and churches reflecting different styles and eras. Even the population unites old and new, with old people gathering in the streets and young people creating their future by dusting off captivating agribusiness and nature activities.

Not to be missed

Despite the wonderful glimpses of the village streets, it is impossible not to notice the very rich natural surroundings: the wide landscapes first and foremost, of course, but why limit yourself to observing them if you can discover them through a thousand adventures? And so we set off along the paths that climb the nearby mountains, or that penetrate into the Forre di Lavello, or the Gorges of Caccaviola... not for nothing are we in the Matese Regional Park, you can't help but take advantage of it!

A bit of history

Cusano Mutri most likely originated from the Samnite city Cossa, destroyed by the Romans in 214 BC. Initially, the settlement was located in a small fort, useful for protection against enemy attacks. The first certain news about the history of Cusano comes about 490 A.D. when Pope Felix III invited a priest to celebrate mass in the chapel of the castrum. It was, however, under the rule of the Lombards and then the Normans that Cusano Mutri experienced its greatest splendor, a period in which churches, towers, and walls were built, and in which the town expanded as we know it today.


A visit to Cusano Mutri is always recommended, but there are certain periods when, thanks to festivals and traditions, it becomes even more interesting, and there really is something for everyone. Those with a sweet tooth for example, will not be able to resist the Mushroom Festival that takes place in September. Aesthetes will love to be amazed by the infiorata that invades the village on Corpus Christi Day. The more spiritual, on the other hand, will appreciate the August 3 procession that commemorates an 1805 procession in which the village asked for and obtained a pardon to protect it from a series of earthquake tremors.

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Gaetano Vessichelli

There are villages that have preserved their philosophy of life, respecting slow rhythms and old customs. Cusano Mutri, on the border between Campania and Molise, still preserves these peculiarities: authenticity is at home here.