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Piagge Hypogeum Cave

Memories of fear, hope and faith crystallized underground

Arts & Culture
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Where is


Via XXIV Maggio, 1, 61030 Piagge PU, Italia (192m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Mysterious, fascinating, unique. A door leads into a small room carved out of the ground and history, an underground world that leaves us astonished. As soon as we cross the threshold, the tufa steps leveled by time surprise us and lead us down into an ancient environment created to create deep suggestions and emotions. A mission carried on even today by the forms used for the decorations: ancient Christian symbols that make us question the past and ourselves.

Why it is special

It came to light as a result of historical research on Piagge begun in 1996 by architect Gabriele Polverari. It is located near the medieval entrance to the castle. The environment in which we immerse ourselves has a cruciform plan formed by arms orthogonal to the main body, a typically basilican layout. And that is exactly what it is: an early Christian place of worship, which has come to our days so intact that it has become a unique example. Inaugurated on September 2, 2016 after a long restoration, with its timeless charm it beckons us like the most persuasive of sirens.

Not to be missed

Down here, there is more than just history and antiquities. The connected spaces, in fact, lend themselves willingly to temporary solo and group art exhibitions.

A bit of history

The area of Piagge has documented Roman historical origins, and it is well known that the first centuries A.D. were of great spread of Christianity, also fueled by Eastern monasticism that helped spread it throughout the West. But they were also centuries of sharp contrasts and persecution, prompting groups of Christians or religious covens to seek refuge by excavating these caves and then turning them into places of worship.


Both the walls and the vault are decorated with engravings of various and mysterious natures. Among the various symbols, two are striking for the frequency with which we find them: the cross, shown in different sizes, is perhaps the most typical Christian symbol, but there is another one we are less accustomed to: a stylized and symmetrical six-petaled flower: it is the flower of life, used as early as pre-Christian times.

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Comune di Terre Roveresche

A small, fascinating, mysterious underground world. Coming to light as a result of research by architect Gabriele Polverari, the Hypogeum Cave, a rock basilica made by man centuries ago, is unique in its kind.