Wonder  }  Village

The mountain village of Sellano

An enchantment in the golden light of its street lamps


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Where is


06030 Sellano PG, Italia (815m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Sellano is the last stop on our itinerary today. We arrive here as evening falls and the atmosphere is almost surreal as we cross the long tree-lined elevated avenue that leads straight to the historic center of the village. Before we reach the main church, the view opens to the valley of the Vigi stream and we realize that we are much higher than we thought. The street lamps come on, whose orange lights accompany the fading of the day. The evening transforms the mountain village into an ideal place for some healthy romance among the noble buildings typical of the old town.

Why it's special

Although it is part of the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy, the peculiarity of Sellano is that it has preserved its nature as a mountain town immersed in an almost intact environment. The mountain has represented in history the richness of this land, witnessed in particular by the numerous noble buildings of the Renaissance age that rise on the sides of the alleys. A simple setting for a small historic center - enriched by the presence of two churches that are also Renaissance - humbly gathered among its walls and of great visual impact.

Not to be missed

The romantic walk at nightfall over the Guglielmo Marconi Bridge, which leads from the outlying detachment of the town to the historic center of the village. From here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the valley of the Vigi stream and have before you the architectural marvel of the church of Santa Maria Assunta. Below you stands one of the old gateways to the municipality. You are in the middle of the scattered municipality of Sellano, lost among the high Umbrian mountains of the Nerina Valley.

A bit of history

The mountains, with their natural resources, have historically been the richness of these places, so much so that even in ancient times they were home to numerous agricultural settlements: wood, coal, sheep farming, cereal and legume production, but also crops that we would not expect, such as fruit trees and vines were the focus of local activity. Today, Sellano retains all the peculiar characteristics of a mountain village and still draws its typical local products from here to come and enjoy.

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