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Castelmagno, king of Piedmontese cheeses

From the Grana Valley to the table, with an easy and tasty recipe

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12020 Castelmagno CN, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


Castelmagno is a cow's milk cheese with a tradition dating back thousands of years, first mentioned around the 12th century, as attested by some documents of the time. Known worldwide, it is produced in the municipalities of Castelmagno, Pradleves and Monterosso Grana, in the upper Grana Valley, in the Province of Cuneo.

Heart of Piedmont on the table

Among Piedmontese cheeses, Castelmagno DOP is distinguished by its semi-hard paste and the presence, to a greater or lesser extent, of molds of the penicillium genus, which are evident in the characteristic veins with a color tending toward green and blue. It is produced in several valley dairies, but in the mountain dairies above 1,000 meters above sea level, production still resists using ancient and traditional techniques, which make the product particularly valuable.

It has a flavor that varies in intensity, from a milder to a spicier aroma, as the aging period increases. Castelmagno DOP makes a fine impression on the cheese board, perhaps accompanied by a drizzle of honey, but it also surprises in the kitchen, where it proves to be an ideal ingredient for making numerous dishes: gnocchi, risottos and other tasty baked recipes such as pies and soufflés.

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