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The crostolo of Urbania

Ancient sacrificial breads that today smell like childhood memories

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Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 21, 61049 Urbania PU, Italia (278m s.l.m.)


It is one of the tastiest dishes in our tradition, but what makes it really special to me is that it is linked to some of the fondest childhood memories: when together with grandma we would prepare it for the whole family.

One dish, one city

When you say crostolo you say Urbania: originally it was a dish that was prepared during the winter, in conjunction with the slaughtering of the pig whose fat, an integral and fundamental part of the recipe, gives it its typical soft and flaky texture, while its golden color comes from the fresh eggs. The best method of cooking it was and is the embers of the fireplace. In fact, the flavor of crostolo can vary depending on the wood used.

Cottura su braceCooking over embers

A special bond

Because it is part of our DNA: every self-respecting Durantino (inhabitant of Urbania) knows it. It is a bit like one of the family because it is often present during the most important events, from dinners with relatives to Sunday lunch, from picnics out of town with friends, to aperitifs with colleagues. It is our ace in the hole when we want to make a good impression on someone special.

Crostolo is great on its own, but it becomes unsurpassed when paired with the products of our territory: Prosciutto di Carpegna, Fossa cheese or Casciotta d'Urbino, acacia honey and Cartoceto oil or sausages and wild herbs. There is also a version made with polenta flour...a flavor to be discovered!!! Isn't your mouth already watering?

Il crostolo di UrbaniaReady to enjoy

An illustrious history

Its origins go back to antiquity: cooked with ingredients such as eggs and pork fat, it is part of those sacrificial breads mentioned by Cato the Censor in his treatise "De agri cultura," where the ritual preparation closely resembles the steps involved in making our crostolo. The actual name first appears in a 16th-century treatise by botanical physician Costanzo Felici of Piobbico. The important thing is not to call it piadina because, beyond its round shape, it has nothing to do with one of the most famous dishes of nearby Romagna. Every family has its own recipe and, even today, many do not let out the secret ingredient that makes their version the best.

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Federica Mariani

È uno dei piatti più gustosi della nostra tradizione, ma ciò che lo rende davvero speciale per me è che è legato ad alcuni dei ricordi d’infanzia più belli: quando insieme alla nonna lo si preparava per tutta la famiglia.

SharryLand Friendly Municipality
Comune di Urbania