Wonder  }  Mountains and hills

The Fossa del Lupo Pass (m 878)

This pass is the landmark of the northern sector of the Serre Calabresi


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Where is


Monte Covello, 88024 Girifalco CZ, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


On the watershed between the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas.

The pass marks the border between the provinces of Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia and is the point of convergence of three roads: from the north, that of Cortale (m 410); from the Ionian side, that of San Vito (m 404) and Cenadi (m 539); and from the Tyrrhenian side, that of Filadelfia (m 550). It is located in the territory of the municipality of Girifalco.

Junction point of treks on the Serre ridge.

From the pass rises southward the ridge that culminates in the Serralta di San Vito (m 1023), the fulcrum of the northernmost mountain subgroup of the Serre, easily reached by forest trails. Toward the north, however, between the pass and a short ridge culminating in Mt. Contessa (m 881), the landscape is divided into broad basins and arcadian valleys, wide areas of pasture framed by forests.

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