The Po Delta - 6 DI 7
The Po di Goro, from Ariano in the Polésine to the Bacucco lighthouse
From bridge to bridge, with a nautical appendage to the Sacca di Goro Dunes and Islands Reserve
Where is

The Po di Goro is the branch that branches off to the southeast from the main course, marking for a stretch the border between Veneto and Emilia-Romagna. It is the arm that is most often descended by boat in search of naturalistic thrills because it puts on a show between two wings of willows, which thicken into semi-flooded thickets as a bend is formed. It may happen that a tree falls and crosses the river, being adopted by dozens of herons, while certain large poplars offer the exciting spectacle of the gathering of hundreds of cormorants. Embankment paths, allowed by the bridges of Ariano, Mesola and Gorino, widen river views to the expanse of rice fields animated by herons of various species.
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The Po Delta
1 di 7
The Po di Levante, from Adria to Porto Caleri
2 di 7
The Po di Maistra, from Ca' Venier to Boccasette
3 di 7
The Po di Pila, from Porto Viro to the lighthouse at Punta Maistra
4 di 7
The Po delle Tolle, from Ca Tiepolo to the Sacca di Scardovari
5 di 7
The Po of the Hottie, from Ca' Tiepolo to Santa Giulia
6 di 7
The Po di Goro, from Ariano in the Polésine to the Bacucco lighthouse
7 di 7
The Po di Volano, from Ferrara to Pomposa Abbey.
Where is
