The Po Delta - 2 DI 7
The Po di Maistra, from Ca' Venier to Boccasette
It is the most pristine branch of the Delta, suspended between the riverbank and fishing valleys
Where is

The Po di Maistra is the branch of the Delta that detaches on the left from its central branch just before Ca' Venier and goes towards the sea, advancing sinuously between the island of Ca' Venier, beyond the right bank, and the fishing valleys of Porto Viro, on the opposite side: in the past it represented the main branch of the Delta; today it is undoubtedly the most representative of its spontaneous nature, accompanied by lush vegetation of poplars and white willows, and reed thickets teeming with birds.
Indeed, it is an area of exceptional naturalistic value, frequented by ducks and waders that stop in the surrounding waters by the thousands. This branch is crossed by two bridges: the first, in start, with a characteristic arch-pulling structure, that is, with the roadway suspended from a concrete parabola; the second, of barges, to connect the two banks at the height of Boccasette, thus allowing the ride to be closed in a loop.
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The Po Delta
1 di 7
The Po di Levante, from Adria to Porto Caleri
2 di 7
The Po di Maistra, from Ca' Venier to Boccasette
3 di 7
The Po di Pila, from Porto Viro to the lighthouse at Punta Maistra
4 di 7
The Po delle Tolle, from Ca Tiepolo to the Sacca di Scardovari
5 di 7
The Po of the Hottie, from Ca' Tiepolo to Santa Giulia
6 di 7
The Po di Goro, from Ariano in the Polésine to the Bacucco lighthouse
7 di 7
The Po di Volano, from Ferrara to Pomposa Abbey.
Where is
