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The path of poets in Calceranica al Lago

Nature so beautiful, it is pure poetry


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Where is

Trentino-Alto Adige

Via Tartarotti, 2, 38050 Calceranica al Lago TN, Italia (469m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

I have just finished walking along an ancient Roman road that led me to the entrance of the Calceranica Mining Park, at the gateway to the 100 Steps Trail. Prudently I venture along this ancient stairway until I cross, along the way, a wooden marker that reads "Path of the Poets." Do I continue along my path or take the detour? My love for poetic assonances immersed in nature leave me no choice....

Why it is special

The literary-nature trail follows the Mandola stream that flows along the slopes of the majestic Vigolana until it enters Lake Caldonazzo. Starting from the bridge that joins the two halves of the village of Calceranica, it takes the path towards the mountain, where 16 stations are inserted with rich and varied landscape views accompanied by the poems of famous Italian and international authors.

Don't miss

There are two sections of the trail that really struck me, for two different reasons. The first is the one that takes you across the stream, taking off your shoes and socks, thus entering the ancient rural hamlet of Pieve della Mandola. The second is of more scenic than historical interest, and is the "Mulet" staircase with views of the vineyards along the slopes of the pieve, traditionally cultivated by the villagers, and of Lake Caldonazzo.

A bit of history

The creator and curator of the literary trail was Alberto Pattini, artistic director of the National Poetry Contest "The Lake in the Heart - Calceranica poetry" and, from the choreographic point of view, by the Service for Employment Support and Environmental Enhancement. The trail was inaugurated on August 5, 2016.

Il sentiero dei poeti a Calceranica al LagoView of the lake

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