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Urbania's Bramante Theater--the theater suspended in time

A brilliant jewel of life

Arts & Culture
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Where is


Via del Duomo, 61049 Urbania PU, Italia (275m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Simple and elegant as only a nineteenth-century theater can be, the one in Urbania was dedicated to one of its most illustrious citizens, Donato Bramante--but don't tell that to the neighboring town of Fermignano, with which we vie for his birthplace. Built on the site of the medieval fortification of the Brancaleoni counts, the first lords of Urbania, its presence enriches Piazza San Cristoforo with its presence, making the historic center a cozy and welcoming living room.

Why it is special

From the evening of its inauguration on October 9, 1864, it became the centerpiece of the social life of the entire community, the undisputed protagonist of elegant evenings and popular festivals, the ideal setting for the love stories of young Urbanians. It dressed the roles of theater, cinema, dance hall. Active even during the great wars with plays performed to help families in need. It was closed in the early 1980s for a long and meticulous restoration that lasted nearly 20 years and saw it reborn to new life.

Not to be missed

The Christmas Concert where the City Band, the Children's and Adult Choir are involved, and, for those who love opera, the summer season brought to life by American, Chinese and Japanese singers.

A bit of history

It was founded at the behest of the Urbania Theater Academy, to which the city's most important families belonged, on the wings of the enthusiasm of the Italian Risorgimento, of which the theaters became the most important disseminators of the unified ideal.


A large clock stands guard over time, which inside the theater stands still, like its hands destined never again to resume its slow, circular path. Step inside and time will be as if it did not exist. Surrounded by beauty, under the attentive gaze of illustrious figures who have made our land great and special. Raphael, Bramante, Rossini... they are waiting for you.

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Federica Mariani

It wins you over at first glance: the cozy, intimate space makes you feel like you're starring in something special even if you're not the one taking the stage.

SharryLand Friendly Municipality
Comune di Urbania