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Isolabona, an island of mildness where harps are played

Where waters duet with harps

Arts & Culture
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Where is


18035 Isolabona IM, Italia (102m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

We are returning from Pigna and looking for a nice place to grab a bite to eat; after all, it is already lunchtime. Following the road that slips sinuously between the heights, bordered by the Nervia, here it appears, at its confluence with the Merdanzo, a small atoll on which rise rows of ancient stone houses interspersed with squares and carruggi, and dominated by the castle that belonged to the Dorias, dating from the 13th century. I think it is the right place to stop for a restorative siesta.

Why it's special

There is something different here that accompanies our journey of discovery through the village. As we walk through the carruggi in search of the perfect glimpse, the sound of our footsteps is not the only one that lingers. "Yes, it's true. I can hear the creek too..." No, it is not the sound of nature. Arriving almost at the end of the village we encounter, in a small circular square, the sculpture of a harp player. At that very moment the background melody I had heard had disappeared....

Not to be missed

The "International Harp Festival" is the cultural and artistic soul of the village. An exclusive event that, during the last weekend of July, draws many people from the sea to the Ligurian hinterland, attracted by the magical sound of such an ancient instrument. The music of the many harpists, both Italian and foreign, will resonate even louder from the Doria Castle in Isolabona, a privileged scenic location for a priceless theater of emotions.

A bit of history

The architectural mixture of different eras immediately transpires. This is even more evident at the intersection of Piazza Martiri della Libertà and Via Veziano Emilio. In fact, merged with each other, stand the Oratory of Santa Croce, originating from the 15th-century period, and the Parish Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, dating from the 17th century. All framed by the medieval square, now the historic center of a mild and hospitable village where you can spend a few hours of absolute relaxation, among history, art, music and local culture.

Isolabona, un'isola di mitezza dove si suonan le arpeGlimpse of Via Veziano Emilio and the Oratory of Santa Croce

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Luigiandrea Luppino

In our search for a quiet little place to refresh ourselves, we are immediately greeted by the greeting of the sun on our cheeks, the colors of the houses all around us and the sound of invisible harps, in a setting of absolute peace and hospitality.