Wonder  }  Place of worship

The small church of the Holy Spirit in Casere

A beloved pilgrimage destination in the Aurina Valley, rich in history and legends


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Where is

Trentino-Alto Adige

Via Casere, 3, 39030 Casere BZ, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Discover the magic of the little church of the Holy Spirit in Casere, a hidden gem in the province of Bolzano, nestled among the enchanting landscapes of the Aurina Valley. The little church of the Holy Spirit is located in the village of Casere. It is a small building in the midst of nature, surrounded by trees and meadows, set next to a large boulder that protects it from avalanches. It is called "of the Holy Spirit" even though it is actually consecrated to three saints: Kilian, Oswald and Ursula. This is probably due to the holy icon of the Trinity, or the fresco depicting the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Why it is special: the frescoes in the little church.

Inside the little church are several frescoes created in several stages. Thus it is that in this corner of paradise there are frescoes in Gothic, Baroque and Mannerist styles. Again the frescoes tell of the importance of the little church in Casere for the miners. In the 1970s a peculiar fresco was found behind the altar: a Madonna enthroned flanked on the right and left by two figures wearing the typical clothing of miners.

Don't miss: the mountain gothic style

TheGothic style prevails in the structure of the small church of Holy Spirit. It can be found in the slender, pointed forms of the pointed arches that characterize the doors and windows and in the beautiful bell tower that is grafted onto the facade.

Fun fact: the legend of the crucifix that was shot.

Inside the small church is preserved a very special crucifix, pierced by several bullets. According to legend, a shooter from the Aurina Valley was on his way to a shooting competition. When he saw a crucifix on his way, he decided to use it for training, fired, and continued on his way. It was this shooter who won the competition and the prize at stake: a beautiful bull. To return home, the shooter with his bull chose the same route as on the way out. But when the animal passed the tortured crucifix he went mad with rage and trampled his master to death.

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