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The Upper Town Funicular

The soul of Bergamo is grasped from above


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Where is


Viale Vittorio Emanuele II, 62, 24121 Bergamo BG, Italia (274m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Stepping onto the funicular railway that connects the lower city to the upper city in Bergamo feels like stepping onto Lisbon's famous Tram 28. Both, structurally similar, allow you to see the city or, in our case, a glimpse of it, discovering its hidden corners while enjoying delightful views. Bergamo is like that: it should be experienced in all its delightful nuances and one of them is precisely the funicular.

Why it is special

"From the platform of the funicular I saw from above, between me and the blurred green plain below, the silhouette of ancient Bergamo, lofty and compact, with its towers and domes, with its walls and roofs perched on a gentle slope." This is how the great writer Herman Hesse spoke of Bergamo and the funicular railway. The funicular is not the only way to reach the upper city from the lower city. In fact, one can get there by car, by bus along the Venetian walls, or on foot by choosing from various routes. The beauty of the funicular, however, lies precisely in its ability to get us into the atmosphere of Bergamo; experiencing nature and the city with a sense of lightness mixed with slowness.

Don't miss

Once you get off at Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe, walk down Via Colleoni to Largo Colle Aperto near which you will find another funicular that takes you to San Vigilio, a wonderful area surrounded by the hills of Bergamo and various routes and itineraries to choose from.

A bit of history

Not only beauty, but also history and innovation. Bergamo's funicular, in fact, was a pioneering idea of engineer Alessandro Ferretti, who in 1886 initiated the project to connect the upper city to the lower city, where by then all industrial and administrative activities had moved. Work began in 1886 and was completed the following year. On September 11, 1887, the carriages arrived, and on October 20 there was the first free ride for the townspeople.


The project was immensely important to the city. Suffice it to say that the 14th-century Palazzo Gritti was demolished to make way for the arrival station in Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe. A big sacrifice in the name of great success: already in the early years there were two hundred and fifty rides a day in both directions.

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Beatrice Scambi

While enjoying magnificent views of Bergamo, as you ride up on the funicular, you can already sense the magic that pervades the upper city.