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Lomellina and its rice fields

Hidden jewels among the rice fields


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Where is


27029 Vigevano PV, Italia (115m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Lomellina is a corner, almost entirely agricultural, of the province of Pavia. It takes its name from Lomello, but has in Vigevano and Mortara, in addition to Lomello, its main points of attraction. It is crossed by the Via Francigena, which has in Robbio and Mortara two important active stages.

Why it is special

Every village in Lomellina features a castle and architecture from the Romanesque period. Not always easy to visit, these architectural art-historical jewels tell of an ancient history and religiosity that have always been immersed in the rice-field landscape.

Not to be missed

Not to be missed is the Mortara IGP Goose Salami Festival. In addition to the palmipede fair and the historical palio, it is an opportunity to taste rice and goose meat products. It takes place at the many farms, but especially in the square in front of the basilica of San Lorenzo, a real church-museum.

A bit of history

At the court of Ludovico il Moro and Beatrice d'Este, Donato Bramante and Leonardo Da Vinci worked at Vigevano Castle. Leonardo was in charge of working on the engineering aspect of the water system, for the irrigation of the Lomelline rice fields. At the Mora Bassa Mill in Vigevano, Leonardo's machines have been reconstructed, in working order, from his codes. At the Footwear Museum in Vigevano, a pianella of Beatrice d'Este can be seen (as well as shoes of Marylin Monroe, the popes and many fashion designers).


In Mortara the abbey of Sant'Albino still houses the hostel for pilgrims on the Via Francigena. Here rest the remains of Amico and Amelio, two young men who died in clashes between Lombards and Franks, buried separately but miraculously found together. In Lomello, on the other hand, the wedding church of Longobard Queen Theodolinda is called "the church of the devil."

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Lomellina is a unique territory in the province of Pavia. It takes its name from Lomello, a Romanesque site absolutely unique in history and preservation. It has a "capital" in Vigevano, where Leonardo Da Vinci worked on the water system.