Wonder  }  Rivers and streams

The Water Gate: there where the Sile River has its source

Resurgences and natural harmonies, in the heart of the Venetian plain


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Where is


Sorgenti del Sile Porta dell'Acqua, Via S. Brigida, 64, 31050 Vedelago TV, Italia (28m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

One of the stops that make up the Sile Regional Nature Park could not help but be dedicated to the place where its springs are located. It is quite a thrill to be here, where everything begins. In short, a river is an important thing, it crosses many territories, creates life, encounters, beauty. The very waters that flow from these resurgent springs will flow placidly and quietly in their bed, and along their path they will be seen and heard by many. It may be silly, but being here makes me feel important, privileged.

Why it is special

This natural corner is not pristine. It is sandwiched between cultivated fields and forests and dotted with sporadic human interventions: wooden walkways, a crumbling cottage covered by vines. The beauty is that they are not disturbing elements; everything interpenetrates into a precious harmony, like that of a beautiful melody. Speaking of which. I am alone on these paths, which is fortunate, because it allows me to open my ears wide and listen...

Not to be missed

The birds begin. Several species nest here and so their voices also become louder and trilling or more hesitant and shy, all intertwined in a game of calls. The soft ground is covered with leaves and twigs that crackle to the rhythm of my footsteps. The path is now covered with gravel that crunches with my every movement. I love this sound: hard but warm, dry but enveloping, edgy but cheerful. At times, however, what I step on is a wooden platform or walkway. These are darker sounds than the others, but there is no way they convey sadness; my every movement reflects the joy this walk gives me. I wish I were a musician so I could record all these sounds and compose them into a music, the melody of the water gates. Who knows, maybe someone among you would know how to do it! If so, please let me listen to it!

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Alessandra Lana

Intimate and cozy, it is an overlook on a baby Sile, but above all a place in constant dialogue with those who visit it.