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The Triangular Tower of Montegualtieri

Ancient guardian of the Vomano Valley


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Where is


64037 Montegualtieri TE, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

If one is on vacation by the sea, on hot, sunny afternoons it is possible to find coolness and refreshment a short distance from the coast in one of the many country towns. From the state highway, crossing the Vomano River Valley toward Gran Sasso, one arrives at Mongualtieri, a tiny hamlet, kept alive by only a few inhabitants. At the center of the village, on a rocky outcrop surrounded by green vegetation stands a very special lookout tower!

Why it is special

That of Montegualtieri is a medieval tower that, with its height of about 18 meters, allowed to control the Vomano Valley. Made of quarry stone and local sandstone, it has a thick basement on the outside, and each facade is enriched with buttresses of different heights. Inside, however, it is empty except for a wooden staircase leading to the top. This juts out over corbels, and is concluded by dovetailed battlements. The great peculiarity of this tower lies in the number of its facades: there are only three. This and the ancient tower of Sutrium, near Bussi, are the only two triangular towers visible in Abruzzo.

Not to be missed

In the shadow of the tower, in the municipality of Cermignano, of which Montegualtieri is a hamlet, the streets often come alive to the rhythm of numerous initiatives that have long accompanied the lives of the inhabitants. One example above all is the feast of St. Anthony in January, when the saint is celebrated among good wine, local specialties and ancient atmospheres.

A bit of history

The tower is named after Duke Gualtieri, who was the possessor of the entire village. It was built between the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th in order to easily guard the entire surrounding territory. It was also used by the landowners of the area, who could communicate by sight with the towns of the entire Valley and stay connected with the coastal villages up to hundreds of kilometers away!


In ancient times, the tower was traversed by a spiral staircase. It was destroyed by lightning that also caused an edge of the building to collapse.

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