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Lake Vagli and Factories of Careggine

The Atlantis of Garfagnana, or: the Invisible Wonder


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Where is

Paese sommerso di Fabbriche di Careggine, Strada Provinciale di Vagli, Vagli Sotto, Unione Comuni Garfagnana, LU, Tuscany, 55031, Italia (546m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

In the municipality of Vagli Sotto, in the heart of Garfagnana, the waters of the artificial lake of Vagli conceal a secret: the sunken village of Fabbriche di Careggine. A few stone houses, a church with its bell tower, a cemetery, and a three-arched bridge, Fabbriche di Careggine is an Atlantis in the heart of the Apuan Alps, an entire submerged village that holds all the mysterious charm of what can only be intuited.

Not to be missed

For maintenance, the lake is periodically drained, finally bringing the medieval village of Fabbriche di Careggine to light. This is an event that has always attracted many tourists, but has so far occurred only 4 times: in 1958, 1974, 1983 and 1994.

A bit of history

The village of Fabbriche di Careggine was founded in the 13th century by a group of blacksmiths from Brescia. The village had only 31 houses and 146 inhabitants when, in 1947, it was submerged following the construction of a 92-meter dam built for hydroelectric power generation. The villagers were forced to move to the town of Vagli Sotto and leave their houses, churches, workshops and meeting places submerged forever.


In 2016, a wooden and steel Tibetan bridge was inaugurated that crosses the lake and immerses us in nature. In the middle, a glass section of the footbridge allows us to admire the waters from above.

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