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The fava beans of Fratte Rosa

Local history on the table

Local flavors
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61040 Fratte Rosa PU, Italia (408m s.l.m.)


A seed, a heritage

Since 2000, the Fratte Rosa broad bean has been the focus of attention of local producers who have lavished their efforts on the protection and enhancement of this food. The very few remaining seeds, gleaned from the town's gardens, have been the starting point for relaunching production under the banner of quality, and in 2018 the Fratte Rosa fava became a Slow Food Presidium.

Unlike all other qualities, the Fratte Rosa fava (Vicia Faba Maior) is absolutely indigenous. It presents a pod that is not too long with three or four round seeds. With a particularly sweet flavor, it is rich in polyphenols, protein, fiber, vitamins, and mineral salts. A richness that comes from the earth, or rather, from the "lubaco," the clay and limestone soil that characterizes this Marche heath and that identifies both the artisanal and food products of Fratte Rosa.

02-fratte-panorama.jpgFratte Rosa and its countryside

From the land to the plate

The cultivation of broad beans has distant origins that must be sought in the practice of sharecropping. Farmers at that time had to surrender half of the grain crop to the master and retain a portion of the seeds for the next planting; what remained was made into flour and mixed with dried legume flour. The broad bean thus entered fully into the local gastronomic tradition, the main ingredient in the preparation of typical culinary recipes, such as tacconi, or "tacon," a type of pasta made with a mixture of wheat flour and broad bean flour.

The ancient tradition survives, and every year it is honored: during the second weekend in May, in the hamlet of Torre di San Marco, the famous Fratte Rosa Fava and Tacconi Festival is celebrated. A rich program of initiatives, gastronomic and otherwise, gladdens the visit of tourists who flock in large numbers from every corner of the region: from the tasting of typical local products to music, from activities dedicated to children to the market of handicrafts. An opportunity to experience and savor the many souls of this wonderful land.

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Michela Cassano

SharryLand Friendly Municipality
Comune di Fratte Rosa