Wonder  }  Cave

The Priare

Stories, memories and suggestions behind the scenes of Beauty


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Where is


Via Castelli 4 Martiri, 36075 Montecchio Maggiore-Alte Ceccato VI, Italia (180m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

We are used to visiting villas, palaces, castles, but have we ever wondered what lies beneath? Those stones that carved and laid together make our eyes wide with wonder, where do they come from? Just below the Bellaguardia Castle, on the top of the Montecchio Maggiore hill, we can find an answer to these questions. Among the vegetation opens a complex of underground quarries and tunnels that over the years have shaped the history not only of the area, but also of its inhabitants.

Why it is special

By visiting the Priare we have the rare opportunity to see where the materials that the brilliant designs and skilled hands of architects, artists and craftsmen have transformed into the beauties that populate our territory come from. It was from here, in fact, that the famous Vicenza Stone was obtained , the same stone that Palladio used in the creation of his many Wonders, villas, fortresses, castles. The most beautiful part? Each excavation helped create two Wonders: statues and buildings on one side, the striking underground labyrinth of the Priare on the other: a Wonder of history and archaeology.

Not to be missed

If you love to immerse yourself in surreal and fantastic atmospheres, you absolutely cannot miss the special tours organized for special events such as Halloween or Christmas. So forget about the deep silence and the bare walls of the caves because the scenic cavities of the Priare will be transformed into magical paths full of enchantment, mystery and fun!

A bit of history

It is said that in order to know the origin of the Priare you have to go back to Roman times, to the time of the first fortifications built on the hill ridge. Used for centuries for stone quarrying, it was later a refuge for the population in times of war. It was also used as a mushroom farm, before falling into a long period of neglect and inexorable degradation. The valuable redevelopment of the caves, begun in 2000 from the studies of a team of speleologists from Vicenza, has brought to life this complex of great historical and archaeological value that is just waiting to be explored!


Who would ever expect that in such a silent place so rich in history, precious grape nectars rest inside, up to 25 meters below ground level ? Instead, the natural climatic conditions of the Priare, characterized by optimal levels of humidity, light and ventilation and a constant temperature of 10-12 degrees, provide an ideal environment for the maturation of sparkling wines from a small winery that, on the hillsides, grows its grapes with respect for the environment and the land.

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Erica Negro

The constant temperature, high humidity level and intense silence activate our senses. If we also combine it with the telling of the history that binds us to this place, this visit becomes a true discovery.