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The Roman Roads, between Migazzone and Calceranica al Lago

Retracing the steps of so many generations before us


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Where is

Trentino-Alto Adige

38050 Calceranica al Lago TN, Italia (465m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

I am taking a simple walk through the countryside of Migazzone, a hamlet of Bosentino, when I come across an explanatory sign titled the Vie Romane and find myself rediscovering an ancient world. Here, as on the entire Plateau, there are signs, some still visible, of Rome's passage. These paths, used today mainly by farmers, were originally beaten as early as prehistoric times and then reused in Roman times to connect Via Claudia Augusta Altinate with Via Claudia Augusta Padana.

Why it is special

Descending from Migazzone towards Calceranica al Lago one finds oneself following one of the Roman carriage roads that, starting from Levico, connected Valsugana with Trento via Vigolo Vattaro. In addition to some complementary works that are still visible today-at least partially-such as escarpments and retaining walls, the interest is mainly in landscape and beyond...

Not to be missed

The complex network of small roads and paths between Migazzone and Calceranica is incredible: each road taken leads you to discover new and evocative attractions of historical interest and more, such as the Calceranica Mineral Park at the lake, or the very steep Cento Scalini (Hundred Steps) path. All this amid wide open spaces with unmissable views alternating with dense undergrowth, without neglecting the small historic center of Calceranica.

A bit of history

It was precisely in Calceranica, some two thousand years ago, that the ancient Roman road, with a width of about 3.4 meters, would have had a paved subgrade, as was customary at built-up areas. And here, near the present church of St. Hermes--a Romanesque-Gothic architectural jewel erected on a rocky elevation--an ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Diana is believed to have stood.

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Luigiandrea Luppino

Who would have guessed that ancient roads were built between Migazzone and Calceranica al Lago? In fact, these were, at that time, the main ways to be able to cross the Vigolana Plateau.