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MIB, Immersive Museum of the Bruna

Legends, traditions and technology

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture

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Where is


Recinto III, Via Fiorentini, 8, 75100 Matera MT, Italia (360m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Wandering through the narrow streets and stairways of the Sassi of Matera, exciting discoveries are made. One of these is found inside a typical room carved out of the tuffaceous bank. Here a collection of objects, statues, details of votive carts, as well as an actual cart, made by a master paper mache maker and never taken in procession, tell the story of the Madonna della Bruna, the traditional procession in her honor and the "Strazzo del carro." All this is the MIB, Museo Immersivo della Bruna.

Why it is special

The final part of the event, the "Strazzo," is by its nature tumultuous, and perhaps even difficult to understand for those unfamiliar with it. Telling the story with photos or video would be reductive, so at the MIB they have been ingenious: at the end of the visit, with a 3D viewer mask, you witness the strazzo of the float at the end of the procession. One finds oneself immersed in an immersive and at times incredibly pagan event, in the midst of the crowd of worshippers as they scramble and struggle to pounce on the chariot to snatch a piece of it. The effect is so realistic that it comes naturally to shun those who violently try to get at the float at any cost.

Not to be missed

Undoubtedly there is an even more immersive experience: the actual celebration. The traditional procession of the Madonna della Bruna chariot takes place in Matera on July 2 each year. During the festival, there is no shortage of markets of typical products, musical concerts, not to mention the typical artistic illuminations in the city streets.

A bit of history

The origins of the Festa della Bruna are rooted in legend. It is said that many, many years ago a farmer who was returning to town with his cart gave a ride to a young girl, but left her before entering town at a small church. The girl gave him a slip of paper to give to the bishop in which was written her wish to be able to enter the city every year at the beginning of July with a triumphant cart. The bishop went to the little church and found a farm cart turned into a wagon decorated with flowers and lights and in the middle a statue of Our Lady. The cart was transported to the city with her statue, and she has since become the patron saint of Matera.


But who was this young woman? Again according to legend, she was a girl with a brown complexion from Judea... Any ideas?

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