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Montresta and its murals

A small Sardinian village where history can be read on the walls and griffins fly through the sky


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Where is


08010 Montresta OR, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is: Montresta, between murals and griffins

Montresta, in the province of Oristano, is the classic inland Sardinian village made up of small houses and narrow streets where time flows according to the rhythms of the seasons. Here one comes into contact with the traditions of simple people, with ancient trades, such as agriculture and sheep farming; with the absences left by wars and the strength of women who, despite everything, have been able to make their voices heard. Telling all this is the village itself: in fact, Montresta, too, has chosen to use murals to paint its soul on the village walls.

A bit of history: how Montresta came to be.

Actually, what we read in the murals is only a part of the local history. Montresta was born thanks to Charles Emmanuel III, king of Sardinia, who granted the Greek settlers, who had migrated to Sardinia from nearby Corsica, a territorial area in the Planargia, behind the royal town of Bosa, where the settlers gave life starting in 1751 to the village of San Cristoforo di Montresta. Thus was born Montresta the Greek, which had a troubled history due to the hostility of the inhabitants of Bosa who claimed ownership of large portions of the territory assigned by the Crown to the settlers.

Fun fact: griffins can be found in Montresta.

Some peculiarities of the place also appear in the Montresta murals. For example, looking at one of these works you may happen to recognize the shape of a rare bird that roams the area. In fact, if you are lucky you may have seen it live, perhaps without knowing what it is. Well, now that you are in front of its portrait you can resolve your doubt: you have finally met a griffon vulture!

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