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Mossa, in the heart of eastern Friuli

Cycling between the Soča and the Preval


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Where is

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

34070 Mossa GO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


The lands between Udine and Gorizia are a triumph of panoramas of unmistakable beauty, pervaded by the deep green of the vineyards, the darker and more irregular green of the forests and the undulating profiles of the hills enclosed between the Julian Alps and the Adriatic Sea. The good thing is that although the area is not that large, it is possible to find many different declinations of these factors: to the south is the Lower Isonzo, a territory embellished by the river of the same name with its emerald-colored waters; to the west are the Colli Orientali, a monument to the wisdom of the farmers who shaped them into terraces and rows; and to the east the Collio guards the last vineyards and olive groves before crossing the border into Slovenia. One territory, three different declinations and a little point in the middle that brings together the most beautiful each of them has to offer: this is the municipality of Mossa, a crossroads and synthesis of so much beauty, to be discovered slowly, on foot or by bicycle, to be sure to fully experience every color, scent and flavor that this land generously offers us.

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Comune di Mossa