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Museum of Antique Pianos

To the sound of ancient melodies and precious woods

Arts & Culture
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Where is


35032 Arquà Petrarca PD, Italia (52m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Counting 40 antique instruments is the prized exhibit managed by the Masiero and Centanin Music Foundation. At the Museum of Antique Pianos, one can relive the charm of a time when music could only be heard live. In some rooms of the architectural complex of Villa Centanin, 12 Via degli Ulivi, fortepianos and grand, table and upright pianos of unusual shapes and decorations constitute the extraordinary work of restoration and preservation aimed at promoting musical culture.

Why it is special

One does not have to be a profound connoisseur of music to appreciate the Museum of Antique Pianos. The instruments collected here have been stars on the stages of many European countries and in prestigious private living rooms; they have been the bench of the hard work of famous musicians and, at the same time, a profitable source of inspiration. The wood from which they are made continues to vibrate today under the skillful hands of Franco Angeleri, director of the Foundation, who guides visitors by playing repertoire pieces on the relevant instruments.

Not to be missed

Throughout the year the Masiero Centanin Foundation organizes a series of events in the villa's Central Hall: the Spring Concerts, the Musical Autumn and, in July, the Euganean Summer Festival. The museum's pianos are used on these occasions.


The Pianoforte is an instrument that over the centuries has taken on different appellations, passing from Gravicembalo, which makes pian and forte, to Cembalo a piano forte, from Cembalo di martelletti, to Fortepiano, a term used today to refer to the piano of its origins.

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