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Pasta Museum

Everything you always wanted to know but never dared to ask about the queen of the Italian table.

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Where is


Unnamed Road,43044, 43044 Collecchio PR, Italia (109m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

The Pasta Museum is located in Collecchio, in the beautiful medieval agricultural court of Giarola. Inside, we can learn about the history, secrets and thousand faces of pasta, from the grain of wheat to cooking. We start with wheat, with its characteristics, cultivation, and ancient agricultural tools. We then move on to milling, complete with a reconstruction of a grist mill and a modern roller mill. Then there is the home preparation of fresh pasta, told through small domestic tools: the art of the rolling pin and the richest Italian collection of "speronelle," pasta wheels.

Why it is special

In the 11th century, Corte Giairola was complete with so many rural structures that it was self-sufficient and protected by strong walls, almost like a castle. The Pasta Museum traces this glorious past, including in its narrative pasta in the round, from raw materials to cookbooks. A self-contained museum through and through. The icing on the cake, is the existence, in Corte Giarola itself, of the Museum of Tomato, which, in the form of sauce, is surely the prince of condiments for a good, healthy pasta!

Not to be missed

The Museum houses a real industrial pasta factory from the first half of the 19th century to illustrate the various stages of dry pasta production, with original, perfectly restored machinery. A second nucleus of antique machines then shows the production methods in an artisan workshop in Emilia in the last century. Current events also have their place: models and videos illustrate the very modern technologies used in industrial pasta factories, and the more than center "dies," show the way of forming as many different pasta shapes, true "architectures for the mouth."

A bit of history

Dried durum wheat semolina pasta, of Middle Eastern origin, found its chosen home in Italy, developing over the centuries in different areas of the country: in Sicily, in Liguria, in Naples, in Bologna. In the nineteenth century, Barilla, now a world leader in the sector, began its activities in Parma, which has contributed greatly to the creation of the museum dedicated in ten sections, to the historical, technological and cultural knowledge of pasta.


An entire section is dedicated to the communication of pasta: posters, playbills, historical affiches created by renowned poster designers and graphic designers. This is flanked by a gastronomic section that presents the history of the pasta colander, recipe books, and the ideal pairings between formats and sauces, highlighting the typical features of the various regions of Italy. An overview of pasta in art and culture, from paintings to postage stamps, closes the rich exhibition tour, which is completed with a visit to the tomato museum below.

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