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Varese Tactile Museum

A unique museum in Europe in which you can touch the architectural, archaeological and scenic beauty


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Where is


Via Ammiraglio Francesco Caracciolo, 46, 21100 Varese VA, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

In the beautiful Villa Baragiola in Varese, there is a rather unusual museum where, unlike most museums, it is forbidden not to touch the exhibits. Yes, you got it right, and this important gesture is also found in its name: Museo Tattile Varese, an entire museum dedicated to wooden models that faithfully reproduce monuments, architecture, archaeological sites, etc. to be touched at will.

Why it is special

What is special and unique about this museum, which opened in 2011, is that it is truly for everyone; created and designed for the visually impaired, it houses tactile models that "work" for all types of visitors and make learning about art and architecture an exciting and engaging experience.

Don't miss

Tactile games and multisensory paths can also be tackled within the Varese Tactile Museum. A truly immersive part of the visit is done accompanied and blindfolded, so as to experience exclusively tactile knowledge. Fun for little ones, exciting for adults!


Apparently, no less than a dragon roams the halls of the villa ! But there is no need to be afraid, it is the Dragon Philip, who accompanies children in the kaleidoscopic multisensory adventures offered by the Varese Tactile Museum.

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A museum where (thankfully) it is never forbidden to touch!