Where is

What it is and where it is
Two municipalities and 110 hectares give a magic of colors, sounds, smells... they are the "green Sele" of the river, with its clear and uncontaminated waters, the cries of the Cranes, or the song of the Raganelle, the scent of the Salsapariglia, a creeper with very fragrant flowers but that few people know about... They are reeds, hygrophilous woods, natural meadows and strips of Mediterranean scrub that between Serre and Campagna, in the province of Salerno, give life to the WWF Serre Persano Oasis.
Why it is special
One of the environments encountered in the oasis is a lake surrounded by an ecosystem rich in biodiversity. Nature is so vibrant and vital that it is hard to imagine that human intervention underlies it all. Yes, the lake is artificial, due to the Persano Dam that has been damming the Sele River since the 1930s. The combination that has been created here between nature and human actions gives us a huge gift: hope. Hope and awareness that sustainable development is possible.
Not to be missed
There are experiences that one remembers for a lifetime, often cherished like a dream, waiting to be able to live them. There is one in particular, dear to many people who love animals, that is not difficult to achieve at Persano. Here it often happens to be able to have a close encounter with the "queen of the rivers" the otter, an animal that is indeed shy and elusive but also playful and friendly. It is no coincidence that it is precisely the otter that appears in the logo of the Oasis!
A bit of history
The history of the Persano Oasis is linked to the Sele River, the ancient "Silarus," which was already of considerable importance in Roman times, particularly in its terminal stretch, where a few kilometers from the mouth stood the sanctuary of Hera Argiva. In the 1700s, the beauty of the places and the abundance of animals had led the Bourbons to elect Persano a "royal site, " an expression that defined the territories reserved for the king's hunting.
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