Wonder  }  Village

Orciano and Santa Maria Novella

As in a game of Chinese boxes, a casket contains a casket that contains a casket...


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Where is


61038 Orciano di Pesaro PU, Italia (253m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Orciano, along with Barchi, Piagge and San Giorgio di Pesaro, is part of the municipality of Terre Roveresche, in the province of Pesaro-Urbino. The name derives from the Della Rovere Seigniory, a protagonist in this territory from the 15th to the 17th century. Before entering the heart of the village, a cobblestone bridge awaits you, defended by two white stone lions, bowed, almost as a sign of welcome. Once through the arched doorway, all that remains is to explore the nooks and crannies of this wonder...

Why it's special

An ancient village, Orciano contains within its walls gems of inestimable artistic value. In fact, just a few steps from the entrance is one of the most remarkable Renaissance monuments in the Marche: the Church of Santa Maria Novella (15th century). The exquisite white stone portal, attributed to Raphael Sanzio, and the artistic stucco decorations that adorn the interior are worth a stop. Hidden in the church are the three symbols of the order of the Knights of Malta: the eight-pointed star, the rose and the lotus flower. Sharpen your eyesight!

Don't miss

Continuing along the main street, on the right is Piazza Gio' Pomodoro, a terrace with a breathtaking panoramic view that houses the works of the famous sculptor born here in Orciano: the Deposed Sun and two bronze works such as the Rope and the Orcio. My advice: take a handful of minutes for yourself, clear your mind and breathe deeply the air pervaded by art and nature.

A bit of history

Tradition has it that the foundation of Orciano's first settlement dates back to 207 B.C. by some Carthaginians fleeing the Battle of Metauro. In reality, more certain data show that it was from the 7th century, with the advent of Christianity and the subsequent construction of the Church of Santa Maria della Pieve, that the residential nucleus of the village was established. After various dominions, in the 14th century the Malatesta took control of the lands of Orciano and erected the Tower that still stands today in the historic center.


There is a centuries-old Chest nut Tree (or Horse Chestnut to be more scientific) in Orciano that dates back to the 18th century and whose chestnuts were once used as fodder and a cure for horse coughs.

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