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Nera River Park

An untamed environment to be discovered through ever-changing paths


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Where is


Via San Francesco, 52, 05031 Arrone TR, Italia (242m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

The Nera River Park is located in the Valnerina, one of Umbria's most picturesque and least known territories that owes its name to the river that flows within its valleys and deep gorges: the Nera. The river rises in the heart of the Umbro-Marchigiano Apennines and flows 116 kilometers later into the Tiber, with uncommon fury and power. It is precisely this particular impetuosity that has allowed it over the millennia to shape and sculpt such a distinctive landscape that, despite counting a high human presence, seems wild and uninhabited in certain stretches.

Why it is special

This untamed nature is actually very welcoming to humans. In addition to vestiges of the past, such as archaeological areas, fortresses and villages, the Park offers a rich variety of routes through which to explore the environment while having fun. The tourist itineraries are the easiest, short and suitable for everyone, such as the fast climb that in just 45 minutes allows you to conquer the Mount of Arrone and enjoy its splendid view starting from the village below. For the more trained instead, there is no shortage of exciting routes, such as the Ring of Mount Pennarossa, 7 kilometers for about 4 hours of walking.

Not to be missed

The park is a must-see for bicycle enthusiasts because it has been included for some years in the "Greenway of the Nera," a large cycling-tourist ring of about 180 kilometers that runs the length and breadth of the Valnerina, from Preci to Prati di Stroncone. But other sports also see the Nera as a protagonist. Green light to canoeing, canyoning, rafting and Hydrospeed, as well as a stretch of the river used for "no-kill" fishing. Poco ma sicuro, you will not return home without taking with you a little nostalgia for this land that, despite its severe and fearsome appearance, has welcomed and protected man for centuries.

A bit of history

Such a fascinating and peculiar landscape, which at first glance might be considered sparsely inhabited, has actually been frequented by man since ancient times. The Valnerina had everything they needed: water, timber and high positions from which to dominate the valleys. Fortresses, castles, monasteries and watchtowers are scattered throughout the territory, an example of the economic wealth this land enjoyed heedless of its geographical isolation.


Not only adventure: very special cultural traditions are encountered here. For example, the park is home to the CeSCaV, Centro Studi delle Campane in Valnerina, charged with studying and enhancing one of the most important traditions of the area, that of the Campanari. The "Umbrian" method takes place at the top of the bell tower, inside the belfry, where melodies are played and bells are operated directly by hand. Wandering then through the small towns of the Park, you may still have the opportunity to hear the Saltarello, a folk song once the queen of Umbrian and Marche festivities, now widespread in very few areas.

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Exploring Umbria

The Nera River Park offers experiences and emotions within a little-known area, perhaps overshadowed somewhat by the glittering fame of the nearby Marmore Falls, but rich in natural, historical and cultural beauty.