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Route "Postal Church"

An overlook of the valley


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Where is

Trentino-Alto Adige

Frazione Covelo, 11, 38060 Covelo TN, Italia (518m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Those who, like me, love to take photographs at the most picturesque viewpoints cannot pass up the opportunity to visit a lookout located on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Adige Valley, surrounded by gentle, lush nature, in the shadow of a small church that provides some well-deserved relief after biking or walking along the Valle degli Inferni.

Why it's special

It is not so much the little church itself that makes this little mountain lookout overhanging the Etsch Valley special, but the surrounding landscape. As you look out over the railing of the viewpoint it appears-in all its beauty, the village below the mountain: Aldeno; if you raise your sgaurdo you will realize that, on the other side of the Adige River, a mountain rises imposingly in front of you: the Vigolana.

Not to be missed

If you decide to take the path to the "Postal Church" starting from Cimone it will be much more interesting for you for several reasons. On your way you will cross the Arione stream that enters the deep Valle degli Inferni; later you will come across a bee reserve, but don't worry, it is on the side of the road and you can continue quietly. Until, in the distance, you will see an abandoned cottage, actually the old Postal locality that gives its name to the little church, just above it. You will then be able to peek into the surroundings and immerse yourself in the agricultural life that is manifested in all its fullness here.

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Luigiandrea Luppino

The pleasure of photographing nature drives me, every time, to come all the way up here. When I look out from the lookout I am amazed each time by the sharp contrasts between the gentle lines of the plains and rivers and the bristling lines of the mountains.